WORX teams up with Mark Visser


Mark spends his time tracking down some of the biggest waves on the planet utilising innovative technology and pioneers unique ways to surf them. Marks feats are not only about surfing, but adventure, exploration and staying alive in situations that some consider impossible.

WORX is a major sponsor of Marks ‘Operation Deep Blue’ project which involves Visser and his team parachuting out of a specialized aircraft with their jet skis and surfboards into storm swells miles out to sea in search of ‘freak’ waves. No athlete has ever gone to these lengths to find them, little lone surf them.

Here is the latest from ‘Operation Deep Blue’

Our Yamaha WaveRunners are now geared up with all the new vital equipment needed for any mission. This includes cruising through ocean swells and being thrown out of a C130 hercules from 4,000ft! It’s this vision that helped inspire the new artwork designs found on the nose that originated from the WWll bomber aircraft. We would like to give a special thanks to Josue Guardia for creating the fierce new design on the front of the skis’ – they are so unique and look awesome in the water!

Ready for anything, these ski’s have been additionally modified by Worx with new sponsons which allows a tighter turning circle, new intake grates have been fitted for more suction and engines have been chipped which increases the horse power and encourages better fuel economy. Some of the specialised equipment installed in these crafts include top of the line medical gear, radio communications and GPS tracking devices… the list goes on.