Outline of the AJSBA agenda for 2012-2013

At the AJSBA AGM I outlined the plans of the new executive to completely change the way the organisation operates. To that we are providing a summary of what we propose. We invite comment that will enhance what we are trying to do.

For too long the AJSBA has been an inward looking organisation that tried to maintain a presence looking after only Racing Members. This has not worked successfully for many years and many well meaning and capable people have for years struggled with the identity of the association. It has functioned after a fashion but cannot adapt to a changing PWC landscape.

So in a radical step we propose the following:

– Allow and encourage social or associate membership of the AJSBA.
– Transition the organisation into a peak body for all PWC owners.
– Lobby and Argue for the rights of PWC owners who have long been ignored by government and councils.
– Maintain the registers of members on behalf of all clubs. State clubs will be given help with their member lists and encouraged to interact with their local AJSBA members in all aspects of club activities.
– A fee will be charged by the AJSBA for membership which will allow funding to flow down to the clubs rather than other way which is always a struggle for clubs.
– Issue membership cards.

– Revamp licensing rules and regulations. e.g. Am-Pro etc.
– Mandate minimum number of races to maintain a valid license and race number.
– Look at licensing numbering.
– Issue an official license.
– Look at class structure.
– Strengthen Code of Conduct.
– Mandate basic course structure rules i.e. distance off, first turn protocols, minimum course sizes.
– Mandate safety requirements for all races.
– Introduce drug and alcohol testing.
– Work with private promoters for the National Finals while maintaining control of PWC racing’s destiny.
– Encourage interaction between social and racing members and vice versa.

– Encourage participation in Freestyle events.
– Support clubs who promote freestyle riding.
– Make freestylers an active part of the AJSBA.

– The AJSBA will be keeping a strongly developed memberlist.
– State Clubs will receive the lists of who resides in their catchment area.
– They will then work with those members in their area.
– Dealers will be frontline in membership drive.
– Will receive information bulletins from the AJSBA to be given to all PWC buyers.
– Can use info collected to manage their own customers.

– Will be asked to become involved and re-affiliate with the AJSBA.
– Will receive meaningful dialogue and statistics from the AJSBA.
– Will be asked to participate in AJSBA rider education programs.
– Will be asked help the AJSBA with research so that information can be distributed to govt for legislative input.

This list is by no means complete but gives an idea of the scope of change, none of this will come easily and there will be a lot of work and the transition will not be swift.

We do realise some clubs may be unsettled by what we propose, it is not our intention to undermine or weaken clubs. We feel however that these reforms will actually enhance clubs who will continue to be the backbone of PWC activities.

We are excited by the fact that at long last there will be one overarching body Australia wide who will advocate for the rights of PWC owners. Too often in the past we have been observers of our own destiny rather than genuine stake holders, we have been ignored too long.

I envisage that within a few years we will have thousands of members and the AJSBA, or a company it controls, will need a salaried CEO to intervene on behalf of all Australian PWC owners wherever you might live.

The executive will shortly call for nominations to be on the general advisory committee. The executive has already chosen some who will be approached but others who feel they have something to offer should apply when nominations are called. You only have to love PWC’s and get involved.

We will ignore all comments on forums as the executive believes that the magnitude of these issues is diminished by uninformed forum traffic. If you wish to lodge a comment please send an email to admin@ajsba.org.au

Ross Moore