New Committee elected at the 2012 AJSBA AGM

During the AJSBA AGM a new executive committee was elected into the office of the AJSBA. The new structure is as follows;

President – Ross Moore
Vice President – Mandy Brown
Treasurer – Nigel Miller
Secretary – Susan Lamprecht

We have a clear set of objectives to achieve in the short term;

1. Clear membership and licensing classifications with a new associate/social offering.
2. Strong communication and consultation across the Clubs, Racers, Riders, Government and internationally.
3. The positioning of the AJSBA as the Industry Body for everyone in the watercraft community.
4. Form strong relationships with other water sport related Associations to add weight to lobbying power.
5. To increase the overall membership value and benefits to the entire industry.
6. To reward the Sponsors of our sport and demonstrate a foundation to others to invest accordingly.

To do this we will need your assistance and co-operation along the way. We have identified some people who will be shortly asked to form an advisory committee.

Your feedback is also highly encouraged as we begin navigating this new fresh course in the history of our great association.

Please feel free to contact Ross Moore (President) – with any suggestions, issues or opportunities you have in mind.

If you are aware of anyone not receiving communication for any reason please send us their email and we will happily add them to the news & updates list.

Kind Regards,
The AJSBA Team
Australian Jet Sport Boating Association